Welcome to Panache Ogunmokun Empowerment Foundation

Transforming Lives
Through Compassion

Welcome to Panache Ogunmokun Empowerment Foundation

Building a Brighter
Future Together

Welcome to Panache Ogunmokun Empowerment Foundation

Touching Hearts,
Changing Lives

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We’re non-profit charity & NGO organization

The Care aspect of the Foundation, PANACHE OGUNMOKUN EMPOWERMENT FOUNDATION is poised with Taking good and proper care of the Old men and womeninour society, the old citizens; to take care of the Widows, Widowers and Orphans to reduce the menace of Beggars on our street through the provision of various Relief items and materials periodically.

The Care aspects of the Foundation also consider the provision of adequate support for theyouths in the society, both academic and non-academic youths with the aims of bringing down social vices in our society.

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Medical Empowerment: Enhancing Lives Through Healthcare Initiatives

Empowering Through Health: Better Lives, Stronger Communities. Join Our Medical Initiatives Today.

Vocational Empowerment

Empowerment Through Vocational Skills: Ignite Your Potential

"Discover skills that open doors to opportunities, independence, and success. Whether it's crafting, technology, or services, your journey to self-reliance starts here. Ignite your passion, learn, and thrive."


Nourishing Communities: Our Food Empowerment Initiative

Empowering Lives through Sustenance: Our Food Empowerment Drive aims to provide nutritious meals, knowledge, and resources to underserved communities, ensuring better health and brighter futures.


Empowering Minds: Educational Transformation

Our Educational Empowerment Initiative is dedicated to providing access to quality learning resources, scholarships, and skill-building programs to uplift individuals and communities. Together, we're shaping a brighter future by fostering knowledge, curiosity, and growth.

Become a volunteer

"Are you passionate about creating positive change in the community? Join our dedicated team of volunteers and play a crucial role in transforming lives. By sharing your time, skills, and enthusiasm, you can contribute to meaningful projects that uplift individuals and communities. Make an impact today – become a volunteer!"


Time is of the essence, and with our fundraising initiatives, you can make an immediate impact. Whether it's for a critical cause, emergency relief, or community support, our fundraising allow you to contribute swiftly and effectively. Join hands with us to drive positive change in no time." Read More...

Start donating

Your contribution matters. By starting your donation journey, you're taking a step towards making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Join us in our mission to create positive change and uplift communities. Every donation counts, and together, we can build a brighter future."

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life and future